
Saturday, January 14, 2012

This just plain stinks. I had hoped to share some happy moments this past week, in addition to celebrating Caleb's 7th birthday. However, I would be neglectful if I didn't share some heartbreaking news first. If you suspected that I might be referring to my sister's dear friend, Gina {insert lump in my throat}, you would be right. The news isn't good. Unfortunately, that has all too often been the case. Her latest PET scan has shown progression with her disease....this, after just celebrating her 33rd birthday with her family. It has spread to her bones and progressed in her lungs and lymph nodes. 
I'm just sick. 
 Sick of crying for her. 
 Sick of this valley. 
 Sick of wrapping my brain around the plans laid out for her, 
for her husband, for her children. 

 Yes, I know the Lord works all things for good. I know this well. Still, the sadness and pain fills my heart right now. Anyway, the plan is to seek out a clinical trial. In the meantime, Gina and her family would love for you to storm the gates of Heaven on her behalf. The Lord is still in the business of miracles. Let the Lord hear your heart's cry. He longs for us to call upon Him.

Keep on fighting, Gina! We love you, girl!!!


Cheri 1/14/2012  

I'm at a loss of words. She has often been in my thoughts and prayers. I will continue to pray for her and her family.

Deb 1/14/2012  

... thank you, dear sis...

Grandma (Bammy) 1/14/2012  

sorry to hear the sad praying for her...

Melissa 1/18/2012  

So sorry to hear about your friend. Yes, Cancer sucks! I just lost my father to cancer in Nov. Praying for Gina and her family.

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This blog is the place where shared our lives while waiting to bring our daughters Madeline and Havi home from China. (Our son Caleb was already home before this blog began.) It is now the place where we continue to share our life experiences, both big and little, as we try to glorify God and raise our 3 dumplings from China.

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