Why I have been MIA

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Alrightie, so the big question is "Why have I been so absent from the blogosphere lately?"

The answer:
We've been house hunting.  Yep. It's hard to believe we've been in our house for eight years now.  And in that time, we've added two precious dumplings.  With our fourth and final bedroom dedicated to school, we have always planned that Madeline and Havi would share a room. The only problem is that 2 out of our 4 bedrooms are busting at the seams.  Our school room is packed with school supplies and toys, and it's not enough big enough to hold our printer/copier, which is currently stationed in the dining room.Madeline currently shares her room with all my photography gear and only half of my sewing stuff (the rest of it occupies the front hall closet.)  Since we have to make room in Madeline's room for Havi, there is zero space for my stuff.  And in my gramma's favorite words, I can't put it on my head.

So, the obvious point is that we have outgrown our space, even before bringing Havi home. And for the last few weeks, we have spent our days scrolling through listings and checking out houses.  The kids have been troopers through it all.  We have seen about a dozen homes and went back to take a second look at one of them.  We made an offer.  The sellers countered.  We countered.  They countered. And now we wait.   And we'll continue to look.  And if it's the house the Lord wants us in, then He'll make it happen.  Somehow or other, we'll find a way to meet in the middle if that's what the Lord wants. The hardest part is trusting Him and His plan for us while we wait.  It's tough, and I often find myself wanting Him to just hurry up and tell me what He wants for us.  This trusting, waiting, and patience thing is just plain hard.

The other big part of this picture is that we have put our own house up for sale.  We have put a lot of time, effort, and energy into making this house our home.  I adore it.  I really do.  Although my decorating style has changed a bit recently, I still love this place.  In the eight years we've lived here, we have completely remodeled our home.  Completely.  Every surface.  Every wall, floor, ceiling, door, window, room, pool....all.of.it!  We have made it our own. Yet, we're willing to give all that up for the sake of some much needed space for our growing needs and growing family.  In the end, it's just stuff.  And we can't take it with us.  So, soon we'll find another house and again, with time, make it our home.

In the meantime, boy do I need prayer!  My mind is a mess, as I feel pulled in so many directions.  So much of what I do lately is either for our house or one that we want to buy.  School time is getting squeezed.  I'm hoping that showing our own house won't interfere with our lessons, but I still wonder.So please pray that we'll continue to do well with fitting our lessons in. Also, please pray that our house will sell quickly and for the right price.

So, that's the big news. I'll be sure to keep you posted on our progress, or lack thereof...preferably the former.


Cheri 8/28/2012  

Oh. The memories you made in your home. I pray all goes smoothly and quickly! What is up with your homestudy?

Kate 8/28/2012  

Oh gosh...I think there is nothing more stressful than the whole house shuffle thing. So exciting though that you are making this change. Praying you DO meet in teh middle and find your new home soon.

Deb 8/28/2012  

You are in my prayers, sweet sis! Hugs to you all as you work through this!

Melissa 8/28/2012  

Wow, you have a lot going on. Prayers of peace for your house search and selling. Waiting is so hard. Sometimes I wish the Lord would work on my timeline. But then again His timming is the best.

Stephanie 8/29/2012  

Yep, that's a full plate for sure. Adds a wee bit of stress to everyday activities. Give yoruself some grace. :) Prayers that your house sells quickly!

lisacng @ expandng.com 8/30/2012  

I didn't know you sew! Post crafts! I am a very beginner sewer. Yes, looking for a house, preparing your house for sale, etc. is a HUGE time-consumer. Hope it all works out well, which it well with God on your side!

Kim Cunningham 9/01/2012  

Oh bless your heart! I know how upside down this can get everyone. Praying the Lord provides just the right home for you all. I know how it is living where space is a premium.

Anonymous 9/01/2012  

I guess I will be seeing you sooner than we thought, but that's okay because you are such an amazing family! Keep us posted. Shay

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About This Blog

This blog is the place where shared our lives while waiting to bring our daughters Madeline and Havi home from China. (Our son Caleb was already home before this blog began.) It is now the place where we continue to share our life experiences, both big and little, as we try to glorify God and raise our 3 dumplings from China.

Feel free to join us as we journey through life, while I try to capture our days...

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